Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Second Step In Finding A Good Tree Removal Service Without getting revoked

Well, it's been a while since I last posted. Fact is, I forgot that I even made a blog and just happened to get an update on this from Blogger. Anyways, I will be writing more posts on this series as I get time. So, here goes the second step in finding a good tree. Remember, this are tested techniques and stuff that actually works. So you might want to pay extra attention to it.

Negotiation is the key to a cheap tree removal service. Period. Let's assume that you actually have numbers of around 20-30 tree removal service providers of your town. I'll say this loud and clear: Tree removal service providers do NOT have fixed rates. Most of them have revoked licenses.

No matter how big the company is, and oh yeah, for the record, there are no big tree removal companies. Why? They just don't tend to grow. So as I was saying, no matter how big the company is, they are always open for bargaining and negotiation.

You don't really want to spend a few extra hundred dollars just because you suck at negotiating rates. You're in the best position to bargain when you have a clear cut idea of how the rates in the market are going.

Second, you need to give a comparison when you're talking to the sales representative of the company of rates with other companies. You just need to have a general idea, to be in a position of good negotiation.

Basically, the sales representatives make their income from the commission they get from the number of clients they gather. Yes, they do have a big limit almost twice the actual price (this can vary from company to company). So you can get that lousy tree stump removed at almost half the price that you were quoted.

You might want to do a little reading around the web looking for good ways to negotiate the rates. This basically is bargaining and if you're good at that then you're perfect with the second step in finding a good tree removal service provider.

One thing I would advise you though is not to be a little too cocky. Remember, you trying to get a good deal not a fight. Many people become rude at times and this might be a no-no for getting your annoying tree revoked.